Residential Law Litigation
The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) resolves disputes between residential landlords and tenants ordering eviction applications, maintenance concerns, subleasing disputes or any other concerns faced by Ontario landlords and tenants.
If you are an Ontario Landlord, Tenant or Property Manager retain us to advocate for you.
If you are a Real Estate law firm, a Realtor, or a Property Investor we invite you to collaborate with us,
Call us to get connected.
Most Requested Residential Concerns We Resolve
Eviction Orders
Non-Payment of Rent
Breach of Tenant Rights
Property Maintain Concerns
Denial of Entry to the Property
Small Claims Litigation
In Ontario, Small Claims Court allows litigates to recover money and/or property from a defendant, up to a limit of $35,000.00 CAD.
If you are being sued or looking to sue, retain us to assert or defend your matter in the following areas:
Outstanding Landlord & Tenant Board Orders
Business & Contractual Disputes
Outstanding Construction Invoices
Outstanding Realtor Commissions
Breached Contracts
Virtual Notary & Commissioner
​Our firm also provides Virtual Notary & Commissioner of Oaths Services available by appointment
Most Requested Documents We Notarize:
Power of Attorneys
Government Documents
Real Estate Documents
International Directives